Long-Term Healing Request

Long-Term Healing Request Page

You have been directed to this page because you have made repeat requests for someone with a long-duration chronic condition.

Sending this form will renew our Long-Term Program. Healing will be sent for four consecutive weeks. Only during the final week will you be asked to repeat your long-term request for a further four-week cycle.

Some of our practitioners need a location to be able to focus their efforts. Many of these people live outside the USA and are not acquainted with the usual practice of abbreviating state names. If you could remember this when completing the form that would be helpful to us in managing your request.

If you have any concerns about the use to which your personal information is put, please read our privacy policy.

Please note that this is a restricted option only for those who have been directed here. Please do not abuse this privilege.

When help is requested, please understand that all those associated with The Distant Healing Network advocate that regular medical help and advice from the subject’s doctor(s) should continue to be sought and followed.

Long-Term Repeat Healing Request

The Case Number will have been mentioned in earlier messages sent by us. It helps us to keep track of ongoing requests.

About the Person in need of Healing:

Where They Live:

Requesting healing for the following condition(s):

To reach you:

Please add your E-mail address so that we can confirm receipt of your request.

Thank you.